OWNR Security


Cyber Security

We offer a comprehensive set of features to keep your devices secure. In addition to antivirus protection, our system includes anti-malware, anti-phishing, and dual-layered firewalls, which work together to identify, anticipate, and prevent both known and unknown threats from a centralised cloud interface. Our cybersecurity systems pull known malware and virus patterns and search for similar patterns in emerging threats. We monitor all running processes and assign a threat level to any malicious behavior. If we detect any harmful code, the will immediately delete or quarantine it to prevent any damage.

We understand that cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. That’s why we continuously update our system to stay ahead of the curve and provide the best possible protection to our clients.

In addition to our advanced security features, we also offer 24/7 monitoring and support to ensure that your devices are always secure. If you have any questions or concerns about your cybersecurity, our expert team is always available to provide guidance and assistance.

Don’t take any chances with your business’s cybersecurity. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you keep your devices and data safe and secure.

Key Benefits


Stay ahead of cyber-attacks with adaptive security


Safeguard with intelligent Email protection


Start protecting your business today with an Email security solution

Web Application Security Testing

Web app testing is a list of services that may include different kinds of program testing.

The primary objective of testing is to identify all errors in the software and create suggestions for future error prevention.

There are three fundamental working methods:

  • Black box
  • Grey box
  • White box

We approve the work date and time with the penetration test customer, designate responsible people and decide the performer awareness level – Black Box, White Box, or Gray Box.

Compliant Control has extensive experience with online application security testing. The finest global practises, methods and tools are used by highly qualified business experts. Works can be completed using both a direct call from an expert to your workplace and remote access technologies.

Key Benefits


A comprehensive understanding of vulnerabilities in your applications and how to address them.


Our assessments test users as well as tech to ensure front facing services are secure at all levels.


For industries where penetration testing for web applications is legally required, completing an assessment ensures compliance.


Our post-assessment reports support remediation with recommendations based on potential impact and ease of implementation.

Mobile Application Security Assessment

The rapid development of client-server applications designed for mobile platforms is changing the way companies and their consumers communicate. However, because the development of these apps is often motivated by functionality, user-friendliness, and company branding, security is frequently neglected. Even when security is taken into account, a mobile application is still likely to contain flaws—and each upgrade introduces the possibility of new vulnerabilities.

Organizations face huge risks because breaches can result in significant financial losses and harm to the company’s image. Financial services, for example, are under greater strain because mobile e-banking apps must adhere to stringent industry rules.

Our mobile application security tests provide you with an impartial assessment of the degree of security of your mobile apps. Our specialists have extensive expertise in application security and have protected the networks of major banks, global telecom companies, and industrial giants for over a decade.

Key Benefits


Our assessments follow a thorough methodology to accurately determine the resilience of an application.


Our penetration testers will rank potential data security risks and attacks that relate to your applications.


Following an assessment, our penetration testers will provide advice and support on how to address any identified vulnerabilities.


For mobile application developers, completing an assessment is an assurance to users that it is safe for their use.

All companies have different goals and objectives

To find out how much our services will cost you, please use the contact form.